Monday, March 19, 2007

Bionic Woman

She is tougher than titanium; stronger than super man; fiercer than fire. On Friday our super hero will receive her bionic chemo port that she will use to quickly and aggressively attack and destroy those nasty cancer cells. Cancer, be very afraid!

Ok, I’ll remove my pocket protector now; and yes, I am a computer nerd.

Tish had two appointments today. First she had an MRI of her liver. She has already had a PET scan and CAT scan of her liver but the MRI will provide the oncologist with more detailed images. After the MRI she met with the surgeon who will insert the chemo port. She is scheduled to have the port inserted on Friday. And the great news is the surgeon said she could begin chemo as early as next week! She still has an echo gram scheduled for Wednesday and is waiting for the oncologist to schedule the first round of chemo.

We are praying that God will use the chemo to completely destroy all the cancer in her body with these first three chemo treatments. And please know that Mark, Tish and their families thank God daily for all of you and your constant prayers, encouragement and support. We are continually uplifted by your love and kindness.

I can’t end this post without bragging on Mark. Yesterday was Mark’s birthday. Some people might spend their birthday stuffing themselves at Texas Roadhouse, playing Nintendo Wii and eating birthday cake (not that I know anyone like that), but not Mark. Mark spent his birthday competing in his first mountain bike race. He did awesome! He finished 9th out of almost 40 competitors, in less than one hour and only 5 minutes behind the winner! Very impressive!


Anonymous said...


First I want to say that you will beat this cancer! You are and always have been a strong fighter...I think I took a beating from you in basketball a few times...I should know! From the sounds of Regan's blogs you and Mark are taking a very positive approach to beating this and I think that is definitely half of the battle! You have so many thoughts and prayers being sent your way by family and friends and the POWER of PRAYER is AWESOME! You will come out of this stronger than ever before. My family and friends are all praying for you and Mark and your two families. The next few months will be trying, so please let us know if you need anything! We are all here as your support group and we will continue to be with you in spirit during your road to recovery! Thank you Regan for updating this is such a great way to stay connected with Metisha and Mark. I will continue to share your story and keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and praying for you everyday. Since I was just bleased with my little 1 pound miracle, I am a true believer in the power of OUR angels. You know our Grannie's are giving the big man an earfull everyday, and they will continue to until you are cancer free.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Mark!!

Still keeping you both in our prayers and thinking of you daily.

Aunt Shannon