Friday, March 23, 2007

Adding to the List

It’s been another interesting week for Tish. She had an MRI on Monday and met with the surgeon who for her chemo port. Then she had an echo gram on Wednesday and the chemo port was inserted this morning. Two more items were added to the list through the week: a second liver spot and a protruding disk in her back. The oncologist said the second spot on the liver is not necessarily cancer but could be scar tissue or a cyst. And between years of basketball and some ugly mountain bike wrecks, the protruding disk is likely from an old injury. So the complete diagnosis list now includes breast cancer, sinusitis, metastasized cancer spot on the liver, protruding disk and cancer spot. I guess you could say she’s getting her money’s worth out of all these tests!

The port insertion surgery went very well this morning. They did not completely sedate her but gave her enough drugs that she slept through the procedure. She is sore, but is already at home resting. The port was inserted into her chest and connects into a main artery. This allows the chemo to be quickly distributed throughout her entire body. Her first round of chemo will be Wednesday.

Every time I talk to Tish she has a funny story that adds comedy to cancer. The oncologist’s nurse called to tell her the MRI showed a different liver spot and a protruding disk. Tisha’s told her that was great, but she wasn’t allowed to call anymore with bad news and that in the future, she should only call with good news. The nurse whole-heartedly agreed to that plan. And then she shared a good laugh with the nurse. Yesterday she had a pre-op appointment for her chemo port. The surgeon was drawing a very helpful diagram of her heart and the main artery and where the port would be inserted. Metisha asked why he was drawing her a map of the 820 loop in Forth Worth. Tish thought that was a pretty hilarious joke but she didn’t even get a courtesy laugh from Mark or the surgeon! Keep on laughing Tish!

Please continue to pray for Tish as she starts chemo on Wednesday. We know God will use the chemo to completely heal her!


Anonymous said...

Praying! Tish, you are strong!!! You are going to do just fine with all this...

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you remember me, my name is Jill Kliewer (McGraw)from Canton. My father ran into your dad the other day in Fairview and told him of your unfortunate situation. First and foremost, I am incredibly sorry that you are having to go through all of this. Secondly, does this crazy cancer stuff know who it is messin with? YOU ARE METISHA! I'm sure you're as tough with these treatments as you were on the COURT. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily!
With Deepest Sincerity,
Jill McGraw (Kliewer)

Anonymous said...

Dear Metisha,

To one of my all time favorite Sunday School junior high students. I remember the first time you came to Sunday School in the 7th grade, you would kick your shoe into the air (in the middle of the lesson) and I thought, "wow, this could be a long two years." But it didn't take long before I came to love you very much and was so sad when you "graduated" into the high school department. Metisha, I have committed to praying for you daily (and many days more than once). Sometimes it is hard to understand God's plan, but you know that He is in control and He is holding you tightly in the palm of His mighty hand.
Love, Sheri Martens

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers every day. Your dad keeps my dad posted on how you are doing. Keep fightin!!!
Shawna Copenhaver

Anonymous said...

I knew that laughs would have to be mixed in with tears. Some things never change! Molly and I pray every night for you and Kari!!! (Gracie and Molly go to preschool together, and we live less than a block away.) Very small world, huh? When I went to pull out pictures of you to show Molly, I kept finding ones with your face pressed up against glass and stupid things like that. What a goofball! (I'm keeping this one light as I have a letter in the mail to you today.) Seriously, though, we are lifting you to the Lord with so many others who love you so dearly!

Love, Tiff