Friday, April 30, 2010

Waiting, waiting, and More Waiting

Tisha had a liver MRI done SEVERAL weeks ago and has been waiting on the oncologist at the liver bead facility to review the scans. For weeks she has been going back and forth with the doctor’s nurse and has heard “he will call you tomorrow” or “he will call you today” only to receive no phone call. Frustration is not a strong enough word at this point! So today Metisha called the nurse back and demanded to see the doctor today and the nurse agreed and told her to come in anytime and she would work her in. So she finally got to speak to the doctor today! He said the scan was hard to compare to previous scans before the two liver bead treatments but that the blood flow to the tumors has been reduced and it appears some of the tumors are smaller but there are not significant reductions. So he doesn’t think the beads have been affective enough to warrant a third treatment but he wants to consult with the liver bead surgeon (the one who inserts the beads) before making a final recommendation.

So we are happy and concerned at the same time. The fact that the blood flow has been slowed to the tumors is good because they are not being feed and there has not been any increase in tumors which means Tisha has not lost ground. But of course we are always praying for a treatment to totally remove the cancer. But no cancer growth is ALWAYS good news and we are thankful!

Metisha told the doctor if a third treatment is not an option that she wants to know quickly so she can revisit options at MD Anderson which would likely be trials. The liver bead oncologist said before she pursues that option he has a nationally known breast cancer oncologist in Dallas that he would like for her to see. He said this is the doctor he would take his wife to if she were diagnosed with breast cancer. We are always excited to get a name of another doctor who can look at her with a fresh perspective and Metisha will definitely pursue this option if a third bead treatment is not recommended.

So at this point we are praying for a fast decision and communication from the doctors as to whether a third bead treatment is recommended. But mostly we are praying that God will direct Metisha to the best treatment.

And for a bit of happiness, here is a picture of Metisha with the newest Welsh Warrior, her niece Emmory Tisha. She’s promised this little girl a long list of fun adventures they will go on together and so we pray that God will heal Metisha to give her and Emmory the time to complete every adventure on the list!

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