Friday, April 2, 2010

Still Waiting and Awkward Movie Moments

Metisha still hasn’t gotten her MRI results back from the liver bead facility. They are really good doctors, but their communication is a bit slow so we aren’t surprised it’s taking a while. But Metisha is not stressed about the wait since the PET scan showed improvements in her liver. Her family on the other hand doesn’t exactly share in her patience :) Once they do call with her results they should also be able to tell her if they want to do a 3rd round of beads.

WARNING: POSSIBLE MOVIE SPOILER AHEAD. STOP READING IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SEEING THE LAST SONG. If you are still reading, I assume no responsibility in spoiling the moving for you. So Metisha has been passing some of her time by going to the movies, in particular with a friend from school. The last movie they watched together included a heart wrenching plot where someone dies from cancer. As you can imagine, this created a bit of awkward movie experience for her friend. Of course Metisha was unfazed and apologized for making her friend uncomfortable. This week they decided to go see The Last Song. This time Tisha had done her homework and knew that once again, the tearful plot included a death from cancer. So she warned her friend and they decided to go anyway. I think her friend did much better this time, but when they were leaving the theater Metisha noticed everyone was crying and wiping away tears (the theater was full of women) expect for her. Metisha was laughing and I feel confident not quietly! And she was still laughing when she called to tell me the story. I’m constantly glad that no matter the situation, she finds constant humor in life!

On some level, yes, she is a bit sick and twisted. BUT this really speaks to how her perspective on life and death has been transformed. While everyone else was crying because someone died to soon of cancer, Metisha focused on how awesome it was that the character was able to tell everyone his goodbyes and appreciate the world before his death. I can definitely see this translating into the real world. There are times when those of around Metisha only focus on her beating cancer because we don’t want to lose her. And while Metisha wants to beat this too, she definitely has an amazing ability to be thankful for everyday, live in the now without worry of the future, and to enjoy every moment. What a great attitude that this worrisome sister needs to absorb!

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