Sunday, September 28, 2008

Does anyone smell burnt liver?

I can not help but feel I smell like over cooked meat today? Eeewww! Anyone who likes that smell is welcome to come by, but I warn you that I am not looking my best today. I feel like an old lady walking hunched over with my oh so cute chemo curl bed head hair do. Mom would be so proud:) On the upside, I am really enjoying my "nurse." Why don't they make "nurse's" outfits for men?

I wanted to thank you all for you prayers these past couple days. I am amazed again by the power of prayer and I am so grateful God answers. Please continue to pray that I will be 100% cancer free. I would also like to ask that you join me in praying that I would be led to whatever it is God wants me to do with my experience. I just hope I don't end up in Africa living in a grass hut:)

God bless all of you and again know that I pray for you too!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I just got the update, so sorry I hadn't checked the blog in awhile. I am praying for you. Giant hugs, Tracy