Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rebuilding the Ta Ta’s

Metisha had her last drain and stitches removed on Friday. She is doing well, but would like to ask the owner of the gorilla that is sitting on her chest to come claim it! She is definitely having some tightness and discomfort in her chest, but she’s still not complaining (I would be)!

The doctors have decided to do radiation. While Metisha isn’t looking forward to any more types of treatment, she is willing to do anything to continue beating cancer. They also got the biopsy back from the breast tissue. There was some residual tumor left which means that some cancer tumor remained, but the cancer cells were not active so that’s excellent news!

The focus for the next six months is to rebuild the ta ta’s. She will remain home for two more weeks to heal and then in three weeks will begin filling the spacers in her chest with saline. It will take about six months to fully expand the spacers. After that, she will do the radiation. The radiation will damage the skin tissue in her chest, so when they put in her permanent implants, they will transplant skin from her lower back. The ta ta rebuilding process will be long, but she is “perky” about the expected results! :)

Metisha will see all of her doctors again in the next few weeks and will have another head scan to checkup on her sinuses. We will keep you updated on what the doctors have to say. In the mean time, keep praying for Metisha’s physical and emotional health as she goes through the rebuilding processes. And always pray for her to remain free from cancer!

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