Thursday, June 28, 2007

Nice Pac-Mans

Round five of the Pac-Mans went pretty well. They gave her flu like symptoms and made her tired, but no porcelain hugging was required! We continue to be thankful that the Pac-Mans are doing their job but not making Metisha too sick.

Tisha was able to talk to her oncologist at her chemo appointment. He was very positive about her progress. We’ve already figured out that all plans are tentative in the cancer battle, but he said they will do the final round of chemo on July 13th and then do a new round of photo shoots two weeks after that. If the scans show there is any cancer remaining on the liver, they will remove it surgically. They will also do a double mastectomy, regardless of whether there are any remaining traces of the breast tumor. Continue to pray that Metisha will be healed by her birthday on July 28th.

After 5 months of this battle, Tisha is getting sick of hearing about cancer. When a cancer commercial comes on TV, she sticks her fingers in her ears and hums so she doesn’t have to listen to it! She must have learned that coping technique from her 5th grade students …

If you live in Oklahoma or Texas, you may have noticed that we are having a very raining spring and summer. As much as I miss dry ground, I’m thankful for the rain. Now before I’m stoned by the wheat farmers of NW Oklahoma or the mountain bike riders of Texas, let me explain. Rain for me has always been a God thing. God has given me rain as a sign of healing many times in the past. Yes I miss the sunshine but I also believe that God is giving us a constant sign that he is healing Metisha. So I say, let it rain.


Jen said...

Well said! Metisha, we continue to pray for your healing and your remarkable strength. I am thankful too for Mark and your whole family being at your side. We're thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Let it rain! Gracie's been out in her swimsuit every day playing in it. Maybe Metisha should do the same!! LOL I'm so happy to hear she's doing well. We're all pulling for you, Metisha! And remember if you need someone who's been there, done that, I'm here for you. I got sick of hearing about cancer too and went through a stage where I had an aversion to pink, especially pink ribbons LOL

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