Friday, September 10, 2010

Full Speed Ahead with an Aerodynamic Head

Metisha is doing great on her new chemo regiment and is continuing to move full speed ahead in life! She gets tired on chemo day and school days are hard on her feet, but she continues to show super human strength in this battle!

The new school year has started and she has a great class. They asked to see her bald chemo head so she promptly removed her wig which created a moment of stunned silence. She asked them if they had ever seen a bald woman to which she received a unanimous “no”. In true Metisha style, she said, “Now you know why!”

Last time Metisha lost her hair to chemo she was pretty self conscious about her bald head and constantly wore wigs that looked very close to her natural hair. This time around she has a “it is what it is” attitude. She would still prefer to have her hair but is much more comfortable being open with her baby smooth head. As for wig selection, this time she is going for a new look!

I think she looks like a hottie with her new style! But I don’t think it’s the right look for her friend, Chad.
Metisha continues to have an amazing attitude and fighting spirit. She keeps fighting and planning for the future. However she will use the “I might not be here next year" line when it works to her advantage, like when she is trying to guilt you into going to Disney World with her!  She knows how to play that cancer card :)   

We are continually amazed and blessed by how well Metisha feels. We know she isn’t always honest and is definitely masking over pain, but when you are watching Metisha ride mountain bikes, you just keep asking yourself how she can be so sick but look so good. We know God is blessing her health daily and just keep praying he will give her a miracle very soon!

Keep praying for Metisha’s energy to remain high so that she can do all the things she wants to in life. And pray that the pain in her feet from the oral chemo will improve and disappear. And always keep praying for our miracle for all the cancer to be gone from her liver, stomach, intestines, rib and spine!  Her last blood work showed her markers have gone down so we believe God is answering our prayers!

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