Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beadazzle Treatment #2

Metisha is scheduled for her next beadazzle session this Thursday, January 21st. It will be the same process as last time: a long day of tests, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, then the procedure and then an overnight hospital stay for pain management and observation. Fortunately they are able to check into their hospital room first thing so they can wait in a private room instead of waiting rooms. A private room to wait in is definitely a huge blessing! But they do get bored sitting most of the day so Metisha is accepting suggestions of activities to help pass the time in the hospital. A few submitted suggestions have included grading other teachers’ papers, surfing the hallways in a “borrowed” hospital cart and seeing how many times she can fit “meow” into a single conversation with a nurse.

The last treatment hit Metisha very hard and set her back for about a week. The chemo beads made her liver VERY angry and she was very tired and in a lot of pain for several days. I believe the pain was the cancer trying to revolt but we know it lost and the beads won! A normal person would have complained about the pain or the treatment or the unfairness of having cancer. Not Metisha. She complained that she was being a wimp for letting the treatment set her back and decided she must have contracted a case of panseyitis also! Her attitude never ceases to amaze and inspire me (and remind me that I am a true wimp)!

In addition to the chemo beads her doctors put her back on the oral chemo meds but at a lower dosage. So far her feet are more tinder but she hasn’t developed blisters. Please pray diligently that the lower dosage will fight the cancer but will not cause the blistering on her feet.

So keep praying as treatment number two approaches. We are praying that:

  • The beadazzled liver will lead to a cancer free liver
  • Metisha will be protected from the harsh side affects she experienced after the first treatment
  • Her recovery will be fast
  • The oral chemo pills do not cause any blistering on her feet

Keep praying and come back Thursday evening to get the latest news on round two!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update Regan...always praying. If you can think of anything I could do, let me know. I am in FW too. Anna