Tuesday, June 9, 2009

MD Anderson in Two Weeks

Metisha talked with MD Anderson yesterday and will go to Houston on June 22nd. She does not know what will happen beyond reviewing her medical records but they told her to be prepared to stay for a week. We are so thankful to finally have an appointment for a second opinion! Keep praying for this process and pray for peace over the next two weeks. It’s hard to not know what the long term plan is and if her treatments will continue in Fort Worth or Houston.

Metisha does feel like her hysterectomy is making a difference. She can tell a physical difference (a lot less hot flashes which is nice for a Texas summer!) and so we are hopeful that the cancer is now out of fuel and will die. She is still a bit achy from the bone treatment on Friday but she is not nearly has tired. Today is her first day of summer vacation so she can get some rest before going to Houston. We are praising God that this round was much easier than the last. Thank you so much for your prayers!

Please continue to pray with us for:

  • Metisha to be placed in front of the best doctors at MD Anderson
  • Wisdom for Mark and Metisha as they evaluate the opinions and plans from MD Anderson and make decisions around her treatment
  • Mental and emotional strength for Metisha, Mark and their families
  • The cancer on her neck, liver, and muscle structure in her abdomen to die
  • No other cancer spots to develop
  • Our family friend Debbie who is also battling breast cancer and is currently in chemo
  • A cancer cure for all types, forms and stages of cancer
  • Metisha to be cancer free again, remain that way and live to be an old woman

Make sure you read yesterday's post. My sister is an amazing person!


Anonymous said...

Metisha as I am checking to see how things are going, I am praising and thanking God for you!! Then I went to another blog I always keep up with and there for the second time in the last 24 hours the scripture of 1 Peter 1:6-7 was put before me as follows: 1 Peter 1:6-7 (New International Version)
"6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
My mind turns back to you. Thought you might be interested in reading Connie Johnson's blog as it is always so encouraging to me just as you are! Not the situation the same as yours, so something different you might enjoy! http://www.k6comehome.blogspot.com/ May God bless you always!!! Love, Tammy Ewbank

pkv said...

Awesome to hear and we'll be praying for the different prayer requests. Pam & Ron

Anonymous said...

We are so happy you are going to MD Anderson. We continue to pray for you daily!
Dan and Linda